Aloha! My time in Hawaii has come to an end :-( For our last tour, I was up for something a tad exciting and something I would remember for years to come. The choice was between swimming with dolphins or swimming with sharks. After much deliberation and convincing my travel buddies, the sharks won. We left the Haleiwa small boat harbour on the North Shore and headed out about 3 miles. Once the metal cage was attached to the side of the boat, you were allowed into the cage wearing snorkel gear. We were the second group to go into the waters so we got a good glimsp of the Galapagos and Sandbar sharks swimming around and under the boat beforehand. By the time we got into the water, it was fairly choppy, but we got to see about 6 sharks. The closest came about 1 foot away from the cage. How excitment! The shark encounter wasn't at all scary and you felt very safe in the cage. I will do another shark tour for sure, but maybe next time with some more dangerous sharks like the Great White.
Aloha! The USS Missouri (BB-63) ("Mighty Mo" or "Big Mo") is a US Navy Iowa class battleship, and was the fourth ship of the US Navy to be named in honor of the US State of Missouri. Missouri was the last battleship built by the United States, and was the site of the surrender of the Empire of Japan which ended World World II.
Aloha! The USS Arizona Memorial is a 184 foot long floating memorial that marks the spot where the USS Arizona was sunk in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, during the Japanese attack. The memorial structure, spanning the mid-portion of the sunken battleship, consists of three main sections: the entry and assembly rooms; a central area designed for ceremonies and general observation; and the shrine room, where the names of those 1, 177 crewmen killed on the USS Arizona are engraved on the marble wall.
Aloha! Set in a bay where Hawaiians once harvested clams and oysters (hence the "pearl" connection), the infamous World War 11 site is still a key military base. The harbor's relics and memorials, which incorporate the resting place of the doomed battleship Arizonia and final berth of the historic USS Missouri, are visited by 1.5 million people each year.